Tag Archives: New Jersey

God, I hate wasted mornings

Greetings, readers. Yes, I know I sound cranky again. I met Rebecca for breakfast at Panera before going to a car rental agency to get information about renting a car in August. When we got there, the office was closed with a note on the door stating the agent was making a run to the airport; neither one of us felt like waiting there for almost 30 minutes. One gigantic waste of time as we walked through tons of pollen, which is now falling off the trees and about to make me sneeze.

My accountant will be expecting this information today and I will again have to tell him that I don’t have it. I suppose that is what makes me the most angry. I have one business meeting a week and today I will not be fully prepared for it. As they say, that’s life.

Well, let us see what else is going on. For those of you who like the new Roseanne series, I am sure you know that it was cancelled. I was never a big Roseanne fan, and after learning about all of her racist tweets, I am less of one. I congratulate ABC for having the courage to cancel their top hit. I will admit, I used to watch the re-runs of the original series where the kids were young … and yes, I did laugh. It was funny.

I am now able to share news with my readers, some of whom are family. This past weekend I took a trip down to New Jersey and attended my Goddaughter’s gender reveal party. Ashley is going to have a baby boy. Her husband Derek was elated. He so wanted a boy to carry on the family name. I am super excited and cannot wait until their little bundle of joy is born.  I wonder how their daughter Riven will react. She’s probably too young to have a preference of sibling gender, she’s only 16 months old.

Lastly, if any of my readers could leave me a comment here or on Facebook about what I am about to share, I will be grateful. On said trip to New Jersey, I took a Megabus. I think it is a wonderful service. For one dollar you can even choose the seat you want. But I am wondering why they still claim on the side of their buses that you can go somewhere for a dollar. My round trip was significantly more than that. Perhaps you have to book months in advance. I’ll go on the website and tinker around with it. Again, if anyone knows the answer, please share.

That’s all the news for today. Both Rebecca and I bid you a great day, take care and until tomorrow, happy reading.

Making plans for a Thanksgiving visit

Greetings, readers. The bus tickets have been purchased and I am going to be on my way. Dave and family invited me to New Jersey for Thanksgiving weekend and I gleefully accepted. After checking out Zipcar and Hertz I figured out that Megabus was the way to go. For a modest price, I will be able to enjoy a five-day mini-vacation.

I am able to go because of generous friends who offered to take my work shifts on the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving. Two people offered and I hope my manager doesn’t schedule them both because one will be angry at me. If either one of you is a regular reader, you have just saved my weekend and I owe you a favor.

I’m going to have to look at the Megabus website again to see if I can bring a suitcase and a carry-on. If it is one or the other, the computer will be staying home. In the late evenings at David’s, after our brotherly chats are over, I like to go upstairs to my guest room, crawl under the blankets, and check my email or listen to music. The one thing I am worried about is that my body is programmed to wake up at 4:00am; that will not be happening at David’s house. I will be sleeping in.

I can’t wait to get there and enjoy the family’s hospitality. The Thanksgiving meal itself will be in the dining hall at Geri’s church and it is big enough for the entire family. I will probably ask David if I can say Grace or make a speech, as I always tend to do. I’m looking forward not only to the feast but also to be with family once again. I shall treasure every moment.

What are the things I am thankful for this year? With my life looking up at the moment, here is my brief list: I am thankful for my kitty-cat Keekee, who is in good health, besides perhaps a slight eye issue; she’s doing great for being almost 13 years old. I am thankful for my family and friends and the possibility to travel and see them. I’m also grateful and thankful that my job has worked out and that most managers think I am doing an excellent job … and making a little extra scratch doesn’t hurt either. Lol. Last but not least, I am thankful for Rebecca and Darren for their years of not only friendship but of hard work to help me put these various writing projects together. As I told my friend this morning, I don’t care if Darren’s book doesn’t put me on the map, I’m hoping it will put him on the map. Kimberly was a cute play. Was it polished? Not by any means. Darren took a good solid skeleton with some meat on the bones and turned it into a literary breathing human being.

I wish to say Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and readers. Your support over the last year has meant so much to me and has kept us going. The recent upswing in view numbers is continuing and we like it.

I said yesterday that this entry would be a top ten list, but other work earlier this morning took time away from our working hours here at the office, so the promised top ten list will come as soon as I come back from vacation. My mistake.

Next week Rebecca will post two blog entries, most likely re-posts of her choosing, as I will be on the bus and in New Jersey, cramming myself with turkey and trimmings.

So until next time, have a wonderful holiday, take care, and happy reading.

Top ten list of things I’ll love about being married again

Greetings, readers. In June of 2018, I plan on tying the knot for the second time. My fiancé Traci and I are enjoying being engaged and our relationship is progressing nicely. There are a few bumps in the road as with any couple, but I feel we can work those out well before the big day. Here’s a top ten list of things I’ll love about being married again, in no particular order.

#10. Making decisions about vacations together. [Both of us hope to, at some point, take a cruise together. There are websites where good deals are on offer. A nice five to seven-day cruise to the Bahamas and back would be a lovely introduction for Traci to be on a cruise ship. I’ve been on them twice.]

#9. Companionship on a full-time basis. [I am so used to being able to do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it. As much as I enjoy this, there is a nice feeling of going to bed together, seeing each other the first and the last thing of each day, taking long walks, and enjoying stimulating conversation.]

#8. Partner for the tough times. [Undoubtedly, there will be tough times now and then where one of us will have to rely on the other. And also to discuss what is bothering the person and allowing the other to help. We can’t be so proud that we can think we can solve our problems by ourselves. In fact, having a partner means that we are not alone when facing life’s challenges.]

#7. Inspiring each other. [We have already begun to do this, even before the wedding. Both Traci and I have personal issues to overcome. We both egg each other on and are there for support of the other when times get tough or we have a setback. We have each other’s back.]

#6. Holiday visits with family. [For the last several years, I have celebrated holidays either by myself or have taken a trip to New Jersey to be with David’s family. Now we have the opportunity to spend time with Traci’s family and friends, as well as my buddy and brother’s family. This also affords the chance, if the opportunity arises, to have both families present on occasion, i.e. the wedding and reception.]

#5. Making up after a fight. [Neither of us like to fight, but it is inevitable that in close quarters we will disagree on something from time to time. I expect all of our fights to be verbal since I was raised to not put an unloving hand on a woman. I expect after all is said and done and the anger vented, we will come to a solution to our issue and make up. That is the part I will look forward to in this situation. Will I pick a fight just to make up? No. Although I’ve heard some people do.]

#4. Growth of relationship in close quarters. [At present, Traci and I only see one another when we eat out, run errands, or when we visit each other at her apartment or mine for coffee. When we are married, we will live under one roof and we will have to learn to accept each other’s quarks and habits. It shouldn’t be too difficult to do if we keep the lines of communications open and share our feelings.]

#3. Intimacy. [I shall admit to you, my readers, I was never one of those teenagers who had sex in high school. I was shy and awkward and so sex and intimacy came much later in my life. I’ve been divorced now for over ten years and have not had a serious girlfriend before Traci. So I am looking forward to making strides in our intimacy.]

#2. Sharing life stories and memories. [I know I have a gazillion stories from my childhood, and years with Dave, that can make Traci laugh and lift her spirits. People say laughter is the best medicine. She can also make me laugh, she has a good sense of humor. I’ll admit sometimes I can’t tell when she is kidding. LOL.]

#1. The wedding reception. [Every now and then, both families will be under one roof for a social occasion. The first one will be our wedding reception. We will be sending out the save-the-date magnets for people’s refrigerators approximately six months prior the wedding. With the reception that evening, both families will mingle. I see everyone getting along splendidly. Dave’s whole family adores Traci, and Traci’s sister Roni always gives me a big hug too when Traci and I are leaving our coffee outings.]

There is my top ten list of things I’ll love about being married. If anyone would like to add some that they experienced, please leave a comment here or on my Facebook page.

Next week, Rebecca will be here on Wednesday and my schedule for Thursday is still up in the air. If we don’t work that day, one of us will put the Thursday blog up so there will be two next week.

Until then, have a super-duper weekend, take care, and happy reading.

Had a wonderful visit with Dave

Greetings, readers. From Thursday night until this Tuesday morning, I had my buddy and brother here visiting me. We watched old football games on YouTube, went out to eat, and chatted about everything so as to get caught up. It was a very satisfying five days. I always enjoy it when Dave visits, though he doesn’t get to visit very often because of his work schedule.

Thursday afternoon was filled with chores such as doing the laundry, making up the bed, and vacuuming. I wanted to have some resemblance to clean here in the apartment, which I affectionately call the swamp.

Dave arrived late on Thursday evening on the Megabus and I picked him up in front of the nearby bottle shop. It didn’t take long to get back home and the party began. We stayed up until 2:00 in the morning getting caught up. Not to sound negative, but that was a mistake. For those of you who read Rebecca’s review of my Friday show, you know that my energy was lacking. I was not, however, going to say, “Okay Dave, we’re home, go to bed.” That would have been rude as hell.

Saturday we went out to dinner at a local Indian restaurant before watching the Penn State football game. I was a little bit worried that my fiance Traci, and Dave for that matter, wouldn’t like Indian food. They loved it. I always get the same thing, creamy lentil beans over rice. Delicious.

At 8:00, Dave and I watched the Penn State versus Wisconsin game for the Big Ten Championship and a trip to the Rose Bowl. Penn State got their doors blown off in the first half. So much so, that David got disgusted and went to bed. I stayed up and watched the come back of the century. When we won the game, I had to be quiet instead of cheering like I normally would. Next morning I told Dave what he had missed and he informed me that he knew we had won by all the hopping and hollering outside, as students gathered in the streets downtown to celebrate. Unfortunately, that turned into a destructive riot in some spots.

On Sunday, Dave went to visit family and returned on Monday for our final full day. The week was fairly uneventful but most enjoyable. Traci enjoyed his visit as well, for she loves the family. She and I plan to visit them in New Jersey sometime in February, weather permitting, on another one of his long weekends. We’ll already looking forward to that.

Next week we’ll have two blog entries for you written here at the office. A special thank you to Rebecca for her show review, which was extremely kind and forgiving. Until next week, take care, have a great weekend, and happy reading.

David arrives tonight. Yay!

Greetings, readers. It has been a year and a half since my buddy and brother David has visited me from New Jersey. I always love it when he comes because we’ll sit and chat, get caught up, watch movies, and play video games. This time around I have some plans made for Friday and Saturday evening with friends whom David hasn’t seen in a number of years. Everyone is looking forward to it.

There’s always a lot to do to get ready for Dave but I love it. Being a bachelor, I sometimes let the place go and use the bedroom for storage. That has to change for five days. Now the question becomes, where do I put it all? Don’t worry, I’ll find a place. It’s not horrible swamped with stuff. After the Christmas season is over, I plan on doing a winter cleaning which will involve letting some things go that are dear to me. I don’t like it, I don’t think anyone likes it, but in a small apartment it is necessary. I already have a few ideas of items that will not make the cut, such as books and DVDs that I never use.

After David goes back home on Tuesday, I will meet my friend Jim as usual at Denny’s and then on Wednesday morning get ready for Rebecca to arrive and start another work week. It’s going to be a fast long weekend, and if it is anything like last time, I’m going to need a holiday from my holiday. That is fine with me because Dave and I are not the kind of people who just sit and let time go by, and call that a vacation. If I want to relax with a book or a meditation video, I can do that on my own time.

The last time Dave came, bizarrely enough, we watched Disney movies. I didn’t think I was going to like them. “Dave, these are for kids,” I said. We had a blast. I am hoping, however, that we chose something slightly different for our entertainment this time around. Netflix has lots to offer, and, of course, there is also the Big Ten championship game on Saturday.

Well, there’s what’s happening. We will have two more entries for you next week and I’ll share all the news from Dave’s visit. Until next week, have a wonderful weekend, take care, and happy reading.

Top ten list of Star Trek holodeck programs I would have if the technology existed

Greetings, readers. As a Star Trek fanatic and a holodeck episode lover, I started to think, just what programs I would create and save if I had use of a holodeck. In the Star Trek world, even though a person is in a small room, the concept is that holographic images are displayed and moved so that people are tricked into thinking they have unlimited space. Here’s my list in reverse order.

#10. A visit to any city I chose. [Maybe one day I would create Paris and sit to enjoy coffee in an outdoor cafe. The next day, perhaps Rome to visit the Colosseum. Or to Devils Tower in Wyoming.]

#9. Drive a car to anywhere. [Oh, what fun it would be to drive to Maine any time I wanted to.]

#8. My own baseball league with my own home team and personally designed stadium. [I could see the Pennsylvania Lumberjacks, perhaps.]

#7. A house with a virtual family. [This idea, I must admit, came to me after watching an episode of Star Trek: Voyager, “Real Life”, where the Doctor created the perfect family, but B’Elanna Torres thought that was too easy and changed the program. I would set it up so that I could control the weather and the type of home and furniture we had, but I would randomized how my family reacted to me day-to-day to be more realistic. I would not have the “perfect” family.]

#6. A train ride to anywhere. [I could ride an Amtrak in America, take a local in New Jersey, or hop aboard the Orient Express. Lots of intrigue and mystery there.]

#5. Take a virtual cruise. [I could set it up for any number of days I chose and for any destination. I could take a quick trip to the Bahamas, or a cruise around the world, stopping at all the wonderful ports of call. This one would have to be saved and gone back to. ]

#4. An airplane ride to anywhere. [I absolutely adore aircraft. I wish I could fly in them more often. If I only had an hour, I would take a prop pane ride from State College to Pittsburgh. If I had more time on my hands, maybe I would hop a jet and fly cross-country to California. I could sit in my virtual airplane seat, take notes, and type my stories.]

#3. To speak to any writer I chose and pick his or her brain. [I could share my limited amount of work with them and ask them to critique it. Hopefully they would be kind.]

#2. A day at the beach. [Imagine the warmth, the sand, the smell of salt in the sea breeze, and of course, the ocean. I could spend hours in this program.]

#1. Recreate a day at Bear Spring Camps anytime I chose. [I would have a few scenarios in this program with different kinds of weather, different times of the year, and, of course, the people I know from real-life Bear Spring, as well as computer generated fictional families. You would hardly ever get me out of that program.]

Honorable mention: Camping in a tent. [I’ve never gone camping in a tent before, but if there was one big enough that I wouldn’t feel claustrophobic in, it would appeal to me. To hear the crickets at night and have my campfire going would be soothing and peaceful. I love nature, especially crickets and the sound of birds.]

There’s my list. I hope you enjoy. Whether you are a Star Trek fan or not, please do chime in with your list, either here or in Facebook.

Until next week, have a great weekend, take care, and happy reading.

Sorry folks, we’re from Virginia

Greetings, readers. My girlfriend and I are home from New Jersey after having a wonderful time at my Goddaughter’s wedding and reception. A funny thing happened on the way there though. I didn’t get lost, but I took a couple of roads I wasn’t really supposed to take. Luckily they all headed toward Philadelphia and New Jersey.

The Zipcar rental we had was a delightful Ford Focus. When one Zipcar is damaged, it is usually swapped out with another one in their fleet, and the car could be from any state in the Union. This particular vehicle had Virginia plates. Every time I made a wrong turn, put on the brakes too hard, or almost caused a wreck, I would say out loud to Traci, “Sorry, folks, we’re from Virginia.” She got a chuckle out of that. I’d driven the route once before and now having driven it again, I will feel much more confident driving it in the future if we are indeed invited to another family function at Dave’s house.

Now, let me tell you a little bit about the wedding. It was an outdoor wedding at a lovely venue. Everyone looked elegant, and when Ashley walked down the aisle, with David, my best buddy and brother, I will admit I did shed a tear. My Goddaughter was getting married. Just as the ceremony was going to begin, an ominous storm cloud formed behind the main building. The wind picked up and so did the pace of the ceremony. Fearing soaked clothes and ruined hairdos, the ceremony was pushed into second gear, yet it was beautifully done, and as the wedding concluded just in time, a few pictures were taken as it began to rain. Everybody headed for the doors to get back inside for the reception.

We made our way into the bar area and I told Dave, “I’m going to have a drink. I’m not driving this evening, this is my Goddaughter’s wedding and I’m going to celebrate.” Traci and I both ordered a delicious drink called a Malibu Bay Breeze, which had pineapple juice, cranberry juice, and coconut rum. It didn’t even taste alcoholic. I could have had ten of them. Though with my medications, that would have been a huge mistake.

Throughout the evening I threw caution to the wind and tried to dance on the dance floor. I looked more like a puppet having his strings pulled every which way but give me an “A” for Effort. I really didn’t care, I was having fun.

Two special moments occurred about half-way through the evening. First was my dance with Traci. She is shy and reserved and really doesn’t like to put herself forward in public, but she was having such a blast that she readily accepted my request to dance on the dance floor. The other sweet moment was when I approached the D.J. and requested Percy Faith’s “A Theme from A Summer Place”, my mother’s favorite song, and danced with my Goddaughter to it. I told her that I was giving her and her new husband this song, from me and Grandma Doc. She almost cried. Holding Ashley, dancing with her at her wedding, was one of the proudest moments of my life.

The next day, after a minor vehicle issue, we were at David’s house for brunch and an afternoon of relaxing. Traci and I were so bushed, that we both ended up taking naps. It might have been a little bit rude, but we were tired and couldn’t help it, and everybody understood.

I want to publicly thank here in this forum Dave and Geri Trost and family, for having us at the house, booking our hotel reservation for the first night, and making sure that our stay was stress-free and wonderful.

I shan’t bore you with the details on the ride home because nothing note-worthy happened. As I’ve said before, going away is fun and wonderful but when it is over, I’m glad to get home. Keekee was especially happy to see me. She looked at me as if to say, “Put your bags in the bedroom and feed me now.”

Finally, my prayers, my love. my support go to Ashley Nicole Trost-Levandowski and her new husband Derek. If there is anything I can ever do for either of you, please do not hesitate to ask.

Until Friday, take care, watch yourselves in this heat wave, enjoy life, and happy reading.

From Rebecca: Two entries in a row!

Actually, two entries in a row from me usually means Joe is in Maine, but not today. He is getting ready for his weekend trip to New Jersey with Traci, for his Goddaughter’s wedding, and asked me to do the entry again while he does things like laundry and packing. He is over his cold and feeling much better.

If he was doing today’s post, his topic probably would have been the crash of TWA Flight 800 on July 17, 1996 as the 20th anniversary is coming up. It is possible that he might still do an entry about it next week. Regular blog readers know that Joe loves planes and simulated flying, and watches shows, like Air Crash Investigations, to find out what goes wrong when planes crash. It angers him when people die because of problems that could have been avoided, and it saddens him when people die when it could not be avoided.

Switching topics, I read a book this week that really got me thinking. It was a novel by Liane Moriarty called What Alice Forgot. It is about a woman who hits her head and loses the last ten years of her memory. To Alice it is the year 1998 and she has to adjust to the fact that it is really 2008. In 1998 she was happily married, pregnant for the first time, with close relationships to her sister and friends. In 2008 she is in the middle of getting divorced, has three children, has a thinner body from a diet and exercise routine, all new friends, and the people she used to be close to are angry with her or distant. She is confused by all the change just a decade made to her life. She doesn’t know her children, and is amazed by how wild and precious they are, with such distinct personalities. She seems to have a full schedule with many projects, school functions with her kids, a lot of appointments; she had a busy life. In the week after her accident, she approaches decisions and interactions in a fresh way, as an outsider to her life, because she doesn’t remember any of the recent history that would have dictated her responses. It seems that a large part of the time she had been angry, tense, bitter, willing to lash out to hurt others, and lonely. When she relates to people from how she felt about them in 1998, she changes the relationships for the better. She doesn’t remember her appointments, so when one comes up she either misses it or has to wing it. Then she gets her memory back, including memories of her children being born and growing, and the real trick becomes to keep the positive changes while not losing the good things from the past decade.

As I read this book, I started to think about what changes have been in my life in the last decade. If I had a pause in time with a fresh slate, what would I want to change, and what would I want to keep? I did lose a lot in the last decade – my church disbanded and I lost touch with my friends from there, my mom and father-in-law both died and I miss them both, I have let my step-dad drift out of my life, and my jobs are completely different. I gained some things too – I am close to my dad, sisters and my nephews and niece, I work with my good friend Joe, and I have a much closer relationship with my dear mother-in-law. One of the things that has remained constant is my love for and from my husband, Darren. I don’t know if I will follow through on these things, but I should see my friend Nora again and visit my step-dad Bob.

The other day I was hanging out with Darren, no TV or books or other distractions, and it was nice. I noticed my mind was racing with what I still had to do that day, and I thought of Alice. I relaxed and tried to think about just that moment and enjoy time with my husband. No history, no future, just him and me. I need to do that more.

If Joe were writing this he would also add something about the people killed in violence these past weeks. The deaths that happened just before the ambush in Dallas, during the attack on police in Dallas, and yesterday in Nice, France. From both of us, to the family and friends who lost loved ones in these events, our hearts and prayers go out to you.

Until next week, stay safe, be cool in the heat, have a good weekend, and happy reading.

My morning went by too quickly

Greetings, readers. Some tummy troubles awakened me 15 minutes before my alarm would have gone off, but that was okay for I had gone to bed early the night before. Around 8:00 I was doing the bathroom conga line again. Obviously something I ate the night before didn’t agree with me. To top it all off, then my back went into spasm. Oh, what a joyous morning. I told myself if I hurry up and take two aspirin I can nip it in the bud. By 9:15, I was back working on my computer.

I checked Facebook, Twitter, and emails, the same thing I do every morning, and then listened to music. I always like to have an enjoyable morning free of stress before the afternoon workday begins. Not that work days are stressful mind you, but I have never been the kind of person who can wake up quickly. It takes a long time for my engine to fire on all cylinders.

At Panera I got a treat and surprise. I saw my girlfriend’s sister, who was there having a work meeting. She told me to tell Traci, “See you guys Saturday.” I’m looking forward to it.

Speaking of weekend plans, a week from next Saturday is my Goddaughter’s wedding. Traci and I will leave early that Saturday morning and I expect to arrive in New Jersey no later than 1:00. It is going to be a spectacular day. I wish my Goddaughter Ashley and her husband-to-be Derek all the best.

As far as next week goes, it will be a three-day work week, but Friday might be an abbreviated work schedule. I want to be ready with the proper amount of medication, money and everything else I need, ready to go for the trip. When it comes to traveling I am exactly like my mother was; she didn’t leave anything to chance.

Until next Wednesday, have an awesome weekend, take care, and happy reading.

Top ten list of my favorite cars

Greetings, readers. In the past I have given you my top ten lists of favorite TV cars, and favorite bad cars, but now here is my list of my personal favorite cars of all time. I am a car buff and have loved them ever since I can remember. The number one selection in today’s list is a vehicle that my mom had. I loved it and named it Maybell. The name stuck. So here’s my list. Hope you enjoy it.

#10. 1993 Ford Tempo [My mom rented this vehicle for me in Maine one year so that I would have a little putt buggy to go to town in, just in case she didn’t want to go with me. I guess she didn’t trust me driving the big Lincoln.]

#9. 2013 Chevrolet Impala [I rented this car in State College to go to Maine in 2013 and it was an absolute dream to drive. It was spacious and perfectly powered. I gave that car a 10 out of 10, even with the check engine light on the whole time. I was told not to worry about it, so I didn’t.]

#8. 1976 Ford Pinto [The car Sabrina Duncan drove in Charlie’s Angels. Even though the Pinto turned out to be a deathtrap, I still loved it because it was part of one of my favorite TV shows.]

#7. 1975 Buick LeSabre [This was, as some people called it, a big boat. It was a gas-guzzler, but it was beautiful. That year’s LeSabre had plenty of room, with a powerful engine. My aunt and uncle from Pittsburgh had one and I saw it every time they came to visit.]

#6. 1984 Ford Escort [I chose this vehicle as my used car to learn to drive on. Not only was I told by the Ford dealership that the Escort was very reliable, but the car’s color scheme, brown and tan, matched the speed boat my family had in Maine at the time.]

#5. 2015 Nissan Altima [My girlfriend Traci and I rented this vehicle to go to New Jersey this past Thanksgiving. Years ago I didn’t like foreign cars, they were too underpowered for me. Today the Altima and others like it have all the get-up-and-go you need. It also had my favorite feature, the push button starter.]

#4. 2015 Toyota Camry [In 2014 and ’15, I rented this car to go to Maine. It had many cool features; my favorite being a transmission that was either automatic or clutch-less manual at the drop of the gear-selector.]

#3. 1979 Chevrolet Monte Carlo [I always loved the look of the Monte Carlos, but the ’79 model is my favorite, not only because of its looks, but because my beloved Uncle Cy had one. For those readers who don’t know who that is, he was a dear family friend I knew for years at Bear Spring Camps in Maine.]

#2. 1976 Ford Gran Torino, as seen on Starsky and Hutch. [Oh, I how I loved that red car with the white stripe. Every week my friend Mike and I would watch intently as Starsky’s sleek Ford chased the bad guys and, of course, never crashed.]

#1. 1976 Cadillac Sedan Deville [For me one of the most beautiful cars ever produced, though I admit I wasn’t born until 1965. My two favorite features of the car were: one, the motorized radio antenna which would go up and down as the radio was turned on and off. And, the second stylish feature was the light indicators, near the hood of the car on the sides, which showed the turn signal and the high beams when activated.]

Well, there’s my list. Please do chime in with your list if you wish to, either here in the comments section or on my Facebook page. This entry in #501 and here’s to heading for #1,000.

Take care, have a wonderful weekend, and as always, happy reading.