Monthly Archives: December 2023

Well, There’s A First Time For Everything

Greetings, readers. I’ve worked at the Good Day Cafe here in my hometown since September 30th, 2022. Up until today, I had a spotless on-time record. You see, I don’t usually work on Fridays. My boss asked me if I wanted the hours, since we were closed Christmas day. I said, “Sure! Count me in!” Well…, I forgot to go in. How embarrassing to have to be called by my other boss, first to see if I was okay, and then to be told, “Hey, we kind of need you.” 

After rushing to get ready, I clocked in and was on my register in no time. I must admit that after my first few customers, I glanced at the clock on the register screen and was surprised to read, 12:45PM, instead of 11:10AM. I stayed until the last dish, bowl and utensil was washed and put away. 

After I got home, I walked into our community room and partook of ‘Friday grilled cheese day’. Yum! 😀 It was so nice to sit down and relax with some good food and good company. There was quite a large turnout there. The room holds some thirty or so people and only two or three chairs were available. A great time was had by all! 

Lastly today, I shall fill you in on my blog writing schedule. Working at the cafe on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays…, usually…, I shall blog on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I so want to get back to three new entries per week. Well, the brain is mush and my fingers are typing more incorrect letters than correct ones. So, until Monday, have a great weekend, do take care, love one another, and as always, happy reading. 

Finally, I found The Correct Password!!!! I’m Back In!!!

Greetings, readers! After a record 383 days, I’m back!!! This entry is for my handfull of readers I might still have left. In the following, I shall breifly tell you what’s been going on with me. 2023 was very good to me, as I hope it was for you. Hold on tight, Here’s my 2023 in a few paragraphs.

To start, Merry Christmas to everybody and a Happy New Year! I have worked at The Good Day Cafe for a year and a quarter and love it! It is the best job I’ve ever had. I meet and take care of so many wonderful people while working register. With 4 concussions, getting everybody’s names straight can be a chore, but I have overcome…, for the most part. 😉

Even though I had plenty of writing project ideas, none came to fruition in ’23. 😦 I hope that ’24 will provide me more free time to hop on the old laptop and type, type, type. I might drop down to only working two days a week from three, thus saving my feet and hips from getting any stiffer than they are now.

I’ve not done any more musical show’s at my apartment. My KISS show for 2023 will have to be moved to 2024. I’ve had my playlist made for 6 months. Perhaps I shall rock out in March or April. But, I did do a performance on December 22nd. I actually did some acting! Yes, I did a one-person performance of A Christmas Carol! That’s right, I acted every part. I was quite nervous and accidentally skipped a few scenes. But, overall I gave myself an 85/100. I’ll do better next Christmas! 😀

So much for 2023. My readers, I wish you a happy holiday season and a marvelous New Year. Until Friday, Take care, be happy & healthy, and as always, happy reading.