Tag Archives: bear spring camps

Bear Spring Camps, I thank you!

Greetings, readers. This is a very sad blog entry for me to write. After not being able to attend camp for what will be 5 years in a row come August, and having already given up my cabin to family, it is time to say goodbye. My monetary situation and my health have prompted me to make this choice. It was not an easy one. 

I might, one year, come up for a few days and stay with family in their cabin. But, the days of me staying for a week in cabin 23, Sunshine North are over. I’ve thought long and hard about this decision, and it’s time. I started coming in 1970 and had 50+ wonderful years there. Along the way, I have made tons of friends who are all like family to me [too numerous to mention here, but you all know who you are]. “Oh, those porch parties from the ’70s” 😀 

I was also able to get 4 very special guests up there over the years. First, best friend, Dave…, who now has his own family and cabin. 🙂 Second, my ex-wife, Georgia. Well…, camp isn’t for everybody. Third, my cousin Erica, who had a blast! And lastly, Auntie Smith Lyday, my neighbor, from down the hall in my building. I had told her stories and she’d loved listening to them. One year I said, “Wanna go?” Everybody at camp loved her! 😉 

So, it’s come that time. I wish to thank Ron and Peg Churchill, their children, Spencer and Abigayle for all the years they have given me, filled with fun, love and laughter…, and let’s not forget the food. [Love ya’ Mr. Pearl in heaven!] Also, prayers of remembrance for Peg’s parents and Aunt Jiggs. Thank you to Talie for all the wonderful visits to my porch on a Wednesday; it really became a tradition. To all involved…, Bear Spring Camps, thank you so much! 

Until tomorrow, love, peace and happy reading. 

Tribute to a friend, brother and long-time BSC camper, Bobby S.

[As per the family’s request, last name withheld for privacy reasons] Greetings, readers. This is a tough one for me. When I got the news from Bobby’s sister that he had passed away, I literally had to sit down and I cried. I had known Bear Spring Camps regular, Bobby S. since I was a little boy. His whole family is dear to me and now that’s three of the clan who has gone to that big cabin in the sky. 

I know that I call a lot of non-family members family, but it is how I feel. Dave Trost is my brother, Cy Greco was my uncle and Bobby, and his family were and are my family. That’s all there is to it. 

Bobby did not go to camp every year. When he was in his teens, jobs etc. took up his time. Every so often though, when the family would enter the office or when they appeared at mom’s cabin to say hello, if Bobby was among them, I’d jump up and give him a huge hug. He looked like his dad and sounded like his mom. 

With me now 58 and a half years old, his passing has made me think about my own mortality. Nobody lives forever, even though I wish I could sometimes. Life for the most part is fun. I’ve always made it a general rule to be a big kid in a man’s body. One day though, all of us campers will join him and the other dearly departed BSCers in the eternal camp in heaven. 

Bobby, my man, I love you, I’m going to miss you, and in about 20 years or so, oh boy are we all going to have one hell of a porch party! Until then, my man…….. 

Until Friday, take good care, love each other, give a family member a hug, and as always, happy reading. 

Alexa just read me my whole camp book! :-O

Greetings, readers. I can’t believe that my Alexa tower just read me my entire second book of stories about Bear Spring Camps! The past several nights at bedtime, I have asked Alexa to read me a story. They are cute, quirky and very short. Most are only three minutes long or so. Two evenings ago, I said, “Alexa, read me something from Joseph Kockelmans.” I was expecting it to tell me that it did not understand my request. But low and behold, Alexa began reading, Tales From North Bay and Beyond: More Bear Spring Camps Stories! I was in shock to say the least. 

Apparently, there is some book club from Kindle, Amazon, Alexa or all of them. I’m not certain whether or not I signed up for their $15 a month book club, but if I am on my thirty-day trial, I think I shall keep it. I know my first book of camp stories can be heard. I’ve got to try to get Greeting’s Readers, my book of first year blog entries, and Four’s A Crowd, the novel Darren Taylor and I co-wrote on that system. I’d love to hear those books read by Alexa as well.

I shall tell you what it has done, readers. It has stirred my creative juices and sparked my desire to finally write the third installment of camp stories. What I might do is introduce a fictitious couple or family to interact with the people I know who are still going to Bear Spring Camps every year. Let me know in the comment section or on Facebook if you think that might a good idea. I have already toyed around with a few character names. 😉

Whether I use created characters, or just compile another book of my true-life stories from Bear Spring, I shall aim to please. I always try to go all out for my readers. If I give anything less than a 100% effort…, unless I’m under the weather…, I have failed you. 

Until Monday, have a super weekend, love one another, do a random act of kindness and until then, happy reading. 

It’s time to tell my readers about my decision about going to Maine

Greetings, readers. I blinked and here it’s April 8th, 2022. For many months I have debated about going to Bear Spring Camps one more year. For a reason that I shall not disclose, the option to go became moot about two weeks ago. After a meeting with my accountant, I picked up my phone and made the hardest call of my life.

Spencer Churchill answered, and I explained the situation. We both sounded disappointed, but for different reasons. I had just told him two weeks prior that camp was a go. Now, I had to pull out. I’m certain that there is a waiting list which Spencer took out immediately, and had the camp filled in no time.

Last summer I was able to take my friend Smith to camp, and she the time of her life! Besides the terrain issue…, she has bad balance…, Smith fit right in and was loved by everybody. She went for boat rides, did a little fishing, went to bonfires and in our gorgeous rental car, saw some sights. In her words she had, “The time of my life.”

Will I miss going to Bear Spring Camps? Umm, yeah! But it must be done. My situation has changed now to the point where extravagant vacations are not in the picture anymore. I got to go for almost 50 years [48, I think]. I was truly blessed.

I have thousands of memories and stories in my brain just waiting to be told or put onto the computer. Granted, the first two books about Bear Spring Camps didn’t sell very well on Amazon. Rebecca and I did not know how to promote the self-published books. I still have that dream of writing the third instalment. Perhaps I shall begin that project during the week we were supposed to go.

I fondly, but sadly say goodbye to old cabin # 23, my home away from home for over a decade. It was a cute cabin, just big enough for two people to live comfortably. Last summer, we took tons of pictures. There are enough to invoke memories for the rest of my days. I feel at peace with the decision. That makes the situation much easier. I always thought I’d go to camp until I died, but it wasn’t to be. No other vacation spot, no matter how fun, will EVER replace Bear Spring Camps. The place and the campers I’ve known all my life, have made the experience unforgettable. I thank you all!!!

Well readers, that’s all for today. I’ll chime in om Monday with another entry from the writing prompts book. Until then, take care, love one another, give your family a hug, have a great weekend and as always, happy reading.

From the idea book: ‘What is your idea of the perfect summer?’

Greetings, readers. I have bounced back in my mood and my energy level and feel like writing the answer to the second writing book idea. This entry should be fairly easy for me to write, for a lot of very happy memories come from my childhood. So…, let’s talk perfection.

My perfect summer would begin on the last day school. That final bell would ring, and hundreds of happy kids would pour out of the school building. I would hop into my mom’s old Chrysler, and off to Burger King we’d go for a milkshake. That was an end of school tradition. Next it was home to change into my older clothes and wait for friend David to come and toss the football around or play Wiffle Ball.

As a child, I usually stayed close to home with family and friends. I was a shy kid and thought I might say something goofy and be laughed at. I had my records and tapes to keep me occupied inside and Dave to play with outside. Every great once in a while, the whole family would pack the car and go for a long weekend at the Altoona Sheraton hotel. [now defunct] I couldn’t wait to get there and splash into the big, indoor pool. I’m smiling right this second just thinking about that old place. 🙂

There would be many days filled with bike rides, ball games, record listening sessions and laughter. Evenings, my favorite time of summer would be spent looking for fireflies, hearing crickets and wishing we had lights in the circle at which we lived. Yes, we called it Willard Circle Stadium. It was perfect for baseball with two trees where 1st and 3rd base were, and driveways to mark the homeruns!

Then, of course, August came around and it was time to go to Bear Spring Camps. Central Maine is probably my favorite spot in all the country to vacation at. In August, warm days and cool evening are the norm, but…, when there’s a heatwave going on, you swelter on top of the bed. Even window fans don’t seem to do much for me. I just lie there and gasp for oxygen.

Most times though days in Maine are filled with boating, fishing and get-togethers. Evenings come alive with bonfires, storytelling and songs. Then, before you can say, “Hop-a-long Kockelmans”, it’s bedtime. Time for a good rest so that we can all get up next morning and do it again.

Vivid memories of childhood summers are engraved in my brain. Too many to relate here. I’ll throw you all a tidbit every now and again. Until Monday, do take good care, bless all, think peace, not war, and as always, happy reading.

From the book ‘300 more writing prompts: If you could book a flight tomorrow, where would you go, and why?’

Greetings, readers. Ok, before I really begin…, Rebecca, is this the longest title I’ve ever had? I bet it is. Ok, I just realized that I made a mistake. The question, where would you go and why, is not actually part of the book title. That is the first page prompt. Sorry. 😦

About two weeks ago, I was in the Penn State Target store on Beaver Avenue, and some force seemed to draw me to the stationary section. It was so weird. I didn’t need a tablet, or pens, or even envelopes. Yet, something made me turn my cart that direction. I did not fight this compulsion. Obviously, something was pulling me that direction. At the back wall, there it was on the top shelf, the forementioned book. The Christmas lights came on! It was just what I needed to get me out of this eighteen-month writing slump.

Today’s topic is on page 1. So here we go! If I could book a flight anywhere tomorrow, where would I go? Some of you readers are shouting, “Go somewhere you’ve never been!” Others might be screaming go to sunny, warm Florida!” Folks…, I’m sorry, but it’s a no-brainer. I’m off to Maine.

My chances to go to Maine are few now due to circumstances I can’t control. So, I would fly to Bangor or Augusta, then get a rental car and spend a week at Bear Spring Camps. One can never get enough of Maine.

Why would I not go somewhere exotic? Well…, it’s because I’m a chicken. There, I said it! My low self-esteem would keep me from even trying to speak German, Dutch or even Spanish. The only foreign words I know are Coke or Pepsi! Lol.

I could go to the Grand Canyon. Nah! I’d probably fall in. Niagara Falls? I’m likely to drown. Los Angeles? During my visit, the “big one” would hit, and California would become an Island. Obviously, I’m being facetious. In all truthfulness though, I would indeed go to Maine. I would book the trip today for early August, and off I’d go. What about you, readers? Where would you go? Leave a comment in the comments section.

Well, until Wednesday, please do take care, love one another, think peace, not war…, and as always, happy reading.

A rare Saturday entry :-)

Greetings, readers. Yes, it has been a while since my last entry, but today seemed the perfect day to write one. Today I would have arrived at Bear Spring Camps. Due to Covid-19, however, I forwent my annual trek. ☹

There are a few tricks I am using to ease the pain of not being there. I recorded many video tapes of Bear Spring over the years. These will be invaluable this week. Don’t worry, folks. I’m not nuts. I know full well that I’m not actually at camp, but little things such as videos, ‘camp snacks’ and playing the music I’d only play on the car’s CD system helps me immensely.

In the cabin I had been able to get a great classical music station on the radio, so…, classical it is! Pop always loved classical music. I guess I enjoy it because I always heard what he was playing on the car’s tape unit or on the portable radio.

Kitty cat, Josie, is thrilled that daddy didn’t leave her this year. She’d mope for days after seeing those suit cases come out of hiding. “Josie, daddy’s here for at least another year.” Josie sends a smile. 😊

Unless this damned virus mutes into Covid-20 or something, I’ll be back to Bear Spring Camps in 2021. But I must let you all know, if I’m not able to go then, I’ll thank the owners for the many years of wonderful memories, and pull the plug on my yearly BSC vacation. Would I miss it? Oh yes, but it’s killing me this year. If I can’t go next season, it will be too much for me to handle. I’ve been so fortunate to be able to go for some 40 years. I truly have been a lucky man to have been able to make a ton of life-long friends who are all like family to me.

Until next time, everybody please stay safe, check on the elderly, give each other a virtual hug, and as always…, happy reading.


From Rebecca: Joe asked me to do a blog entry today

Joe asked me to write to you, his readers, telling you he plans to have today’s blog entry out tomorrow. He isn’t feeling well today.

It is hard for me to believe that it has been almost six months since Joe and I worked together. There are times when I miss him very much, and times that a busy week goes by and I don’t think about him more than once or twice. The times I miss working with him most are when things come up that I would have taken part in, like when he gets ready for Bear Spring Camps. For many years, by June we would have booked his reservations for a rental car and for the hotel rooms on the way up there, the way back here, and the Friday night before his week there started. This year, of course, everything is so different because of the virus, and Joe decided to cancel. But I still feel something missing when I think of that annual process going on without me. Plus, there are so many world events going on that we would have talked about, and I miss those discussions in his office space.

Yesterday I was reminded how long it has been when I tried to write down something being told to me; I haven’t typed Joe’s dictation in a so long and I am so rusty at it now!

Joe will be back tomorrow with a blog entry. Until then, take care, stay safe, and happy reading.

Times are a changin’

Greetings, readers. The nine-year stint of Rebecca and I working together will be coming to a sad end at the end of this year. Many factors on both sides have made this the only logical choice. Fear not, blog readers. While I might not post new entries twice a week, I won’t be closing the blog down either. As well, Rebecca asked me if she could add an occasional From Rebecca from time to time in the next year. Obviously, I said yes.

I’ve been going through a rough patch recently. A very sweet young lady – a server at Bear Spring Camps for many years – was hit by a car in Florida and killed a few days ago. It made me wonder: A wonderful person with her whole life in front of her is called home and I, a gamer and absolute loafer, continues to walk the planet. Hmm. I don’t see the justice in that. Probably I’ll get to live to be 106, playing baseball video games right up to the end.

A high school classmate of mine is back in the hospital and not doing well. Pinky, you have to make it, Kid. I’m not ready to add your name to the curse of the class of ’83. I’m praying for you constantly.

It is a beautiful sunny day here in central Pennsylvania, yet cold. There is nary a cloud in the sky. The days of 60º F are gone until springtime, I’m afraid. I must say with climate change we were warmer here longer in the fall season than in years past. I will take it.

I cannot believe that we are getting to the home stretch of the Penn State football season, and just past the mid-point of the NFL season. It truly feels like the older I get, the faster time seems to go. That is probably because the majority of my years are behind me. I’m not that young kid anymore who could run around and play sports. Hell, with my knees I couldn’t even run to a bus.

Now, readers, as you know I am not one for conspiracy theories. The other day I was doing errands with a friends and I saw something weird in the sky. I can only describe them as chem trails, a term I learned from a former friend that meant she thought the government was spraying chemicals in the air. I hope never to see another cloud like that again. It was definitely not a vapor trail from a jet liner at 33,000 feet. I know the difference. This was low and perfectly curved, as though it would fit around a big pipe. As Arte Johnson on Laugh-In would say, “Verrry interesting.”

Lastly, I’m still getting used to my new smart phone … very slowly, and thanks to the winning costume at the Halloween party, I won a Kindle Fire. That’s right folks, I went from having a dumb phone to having two smart devices in a week. There will be a learning curve. I must say though, I am enjoying both gizmos.


Me at the 2019 Halloween Party as C3PO at Addison Court Apartments. I won the contest!
Me at the 2019 Halloween Party at Addison Court Apartment as C3PO. I won the contest!


That’s it for today. I can’t guarantee a blog entry for the weekend as you know, but I will try. We’ll be working together until the end of the year, so until next Wednesday, take care, have a great week, love one another, and as always, happy reading.

Bear Spring Camps is officially closed for the season. :-(

Greetings, readers. October 1st is not my favorite day of the year, for it marks the official closing of Bear Spring Camps for the season. Every camper for now must begin to dream about next year’s vacation. We have a wonderful Bear Spring Camps Facebook page which helps a lot. There guests can write about their experiences and put up pictures and videos. My favorite video was Parade of the Loons. Whoever put that one up … thank you!

Now the lakeside attendants, formally known as cabin boys, are busy at work winterizing and closing the cabins. They will make note of any major repairs that need done before next May’s opening day.  When I was a youngster, one of my dreams was to be a Bear Spring Camps cabin boy. Then I saw just how hard they worked and somehow know that my weak arms would not be up to the task. I think I remember helping to bail out boats after a rain storm once or twice in my early teenage years.

Very soon, if not already, Peg and Ron Churchill will be off to where they winter. Their son Spencer will be there throughout the cold months to keep an eye on the place and they have an associate who helps out as needed.

Am I getting depressed as we type this blog entry? Maybe melancholy would be a better word. I always enjoy the spring and summer knowing the camp is open, even though I am only there for a week in August. A couple of years ago, someone posted a picture of the lane down to the cabins completely covered with a foot and a half of snow; I definitely would not want to draw the task of plowing the lane. I imagine that a plow would be attached to one of the old trucks and slowly but surely they would inch down the drive until all of it was plowed. And yikes if they got stuck.

Do I already have dreams of next year? Of course. Every good Bear Spring Camper does. As I’ve said before, with my monetary situation being what it is, I don’t see myself going for that many more years, but gosh darn it, I’m going as long as I can. We did post photos from this year’s camp experience, for those of you who wish to take a look.

On a side note, yay for the Pittsburgh Steelers! They finally won their first game of the season. With the score of 27-3, if appears that the young quarterback had a half-decent game, for it is going to be Mason Rudolph the rest of the way … unless he gets hurt. Also, on a baseball note, congratulations to the Washington Nationals for winning the National League wildcard game. I’ve read on social media folks talk about extending the wild card game to a best-out-of-three series. I would vote yes for that. To play a whole season and have it shattered by one bad game just doesn’t sit well with me.

Since we’ve talked about Bear Spring Camps for the most part in this entry, this will be linked to the Bear Spring Camps Facebook page. I hope you all enjoy.

As always, prayers go out to those who need it.

Look for a new blog entry either Sunday evening or Monday. Remember, it is football season and I love my football.

Take care, have a wonderful few days, love one another, and as always, happy reading.