Tag Archives: marriage proposals

Variation of a theme

Greetings, readers. The good news is that I decided to continue the weekly, Wednesday blog going through the summer and beyond. The ‘bad’ news is that the KISS top 100 will go slower than expected. Let’s get #s 80 and 79 done today. 🙂

80. Rock And Roll Hell – [ A Gene Simmons, medium-tempo song from the popular Creatures Of The Night album, it speaks of a musician who is under the gun and wants his time in the limelight. But, it’s been too long with too many sacrifices. He wants out. ]

79. Tossin’ And Turnin’ – [ Peter Criss’ fantastic version of a Bobby Lewis hit from 1961, it talks about a guy who just can’t sleep because he and his girl weren’t right. This song is on the Peter Criss solo album from 1978! ]

Now on to other happenings. I had therapy today, which always helps. This past weekend I ‘tortured’ myself by watching 6 straight hours of YouTube marriage proposal videos. OMG! Yes, I do that to myself at times. 😦

Well, my area of the country goes ‘green’ on Friday!!! Most, if not all restrictions from the Covid-19 pandemic will be lifted. I just hope that people continue common sense and self-distance. It just takes one or two cases to spark a flare-up.

Lastly, during a flight simulation for my virtual airline I’m with, I flew the perfect flight and… almost the perfect landing. I hit the function button and the 1 button in stead of the f1 button. One ninety minute flight ruined. Grr! I think I’m not quite in reality just now. Lol.

Well folks, until next Wednesday, when I’ll list #s 78 and 77 and 76, do love one another, take good care and and always, happy reading.


What a strange evening I had yesterday

Greetings, readers. Around 5:00 yesterday afternoon I got into one of those funky moods that comes over me now and then. So what did I do last night? I tortured myself with four and a half hours of the best of YouTube marriage proposal compilation videos and pregnancy announcement videos. Boy am I a glutton for punishment. It got me thinking about my life and where I stand right now, without a wife and kids.

Most people would watch one, maybe two, but no, I just kept hitting next video. I will admit I saw some really great marriage proposals. I also saw some pregnancy videos where the grandparents-to-be did not know that there was more than one baby about to be born. My personal favorite was when the mommy said here is your grandson, waited a few seconds and then said and here’s his brother, to which everyone in the room screamed. Rebecca had a good point when I told her about this; why would you not tell your family about a multiple birth? Some people just want to surprise their families so badly.

I purposefully stayed away from the other set of videos that tends to torture me, which are soldiers coming home and surprising their wives, girlfriends, children, parents, etc. Oh, that starts the flood, they really pull the heartstrings with me, especially when Daddy comes home to the kids.

It is now several minutes later after I took a break because of the clamoring construction crap going on outside my window. Rebecca and I will have to deal with it the best we can. She had construction by her home for about five years. My nightmare just began in July. I have approximately two years left before the building next door is completed. Hopefully the new stores slated to be in the lower half of the building will bring jobs and prosperity to our area. A couple of them are going to be clothing stores and I’m hoping that at least one store will have some kind of groceries or basic supplies. Our CVS store was in the demolished building where this new apartment complex is going to stand. I went to that CVS often for a great many things. Maybe in a couple of months it will be published in the newspaper exactly what businesses will be going in the new building.

There’s today’s blog entry. We’ll see you next week with entries on Wednesday and Thursday. I bid everyone a great weekend, stay safe, give your family members a hug, and as always, happy reading.

Too much of a good thing is a bad thing

Greetings, readers. I’ve been watching reruns of Forensic Files on YouTube the last several evenings and have found one distressing thing. Although it is a marvelous program, that shows how criminals can be apprehended and convicted by forensic evidence, which I love, the episodes are depressing. If it’s not a murder, it’s rape, torture, kidnapping, or something else that is grizzly. The other evening I watched twelve straight episodes and went to bed feeling like crap. My psychologist will have to hit me on the wrist with a wet noodle.

I don’t know if this is a form of self-punishment or abuse, but something psychological is going on. This is not the first time I have done this type of behavior. I can sit for hours on end and watch the best of YouTube marriage proposals, service men and women surprising their loved one, and all kinds of tear-jerking events. I suppose I get some entertainment out of it, but I just basically get depressed because of it. That much is emotional overload.

What to do, what to do? My doctor will have her work cut out for her. She’ll probably suggest watching these things in small numbers or perhaps not at all. With my morbid fascination with air plane disasters, crimes, death, and carnage, there must be some underlying reason why I am drawn to such things.

This morning, before Rebecca came to work, I purposely stayed at home, made my coffee in my Keurig, and played a game on my PS3. Nothing depressing about playing MLB15 The Show.

I’m sure when this blog entry will be posted to Facebook and Twitter, my family and friends will offer advice on how to help me. That will be most appreciated. For the most part, I’m feeling better in years past. I’m keeping to my early morning schedule, and seem to be getting a lot more done. I just have a few rough edges to work out and I will be a happy person around the clock.

Can anybody really be a happy person around the clock? I fully understand the answer is no. But I hope to be one of the people who can be cheerful, pleasant, and thankful about 95% of the time.

Before closing, welcome back Rebecca, missed you. The blog entries suffered. {From Rebecca: I missed you and being at work, too. *waving* Hi, readers!}

Until Friday, when I hope to have a top ten list ready to go, take care, have a good day, and happy reading.