Daily Archives: September 4, 2015

R. I. P. to a neighbor in my building [edited]

Greetings, readers. Rebecca is still recouping from a cold, so I am here typing the blog entry today. With the name withheld for privacy reasons, I do need to get something that’s been bothering me off my chest. So, here goes.

A gentleman from our apartment building passed away a few days ago. It has hit me unusually hard. I would see him at Panera café sometimes in the morning, having his coffee while reading his newspaper. We would wave or say hello. Sometimes if there was something on his mind, he’d let me know about it. I guess his death has hit me hard because I’m getting a bit older now, and the thought of my demise creeps into my brain every now and again.

He was a WWII Vietnam veteran, and was well liked and respected in the building. I won’t go into the details of his passing, but I will say that he apparently passed away in his sleep; a peaceful way to go.

Well, I salute my friend who came to a few of my shows and enjoyed them. *SALUTE!*

Until next week, take care, have a great weekend and happy reading.