Tag Archives: untidyness

I’m afraid I’m becoming a hoarder

Greetings, readers. This is a rare, Tuesday entry…, one typed in without my trusty assistant. I shall have to be extra careful for typos. The reason a blog post is going up today instead of tomorrow is because I will be on a much different schedule, at least until Thursday.

Now, on to today’s topic. I live in a very small, one bedroom apartment. The key word there is small. However, that does not explain why, in recent months, my house cleaning skills have… well, shall I say… become less than satisfactory. I was never one to keep my place ‘eat off the floor’ spotless, but even so, I’ve been in a steady decline in this area for a while now. Here are a few cases in point.

First, when I’m watching TV or a movie, my empty bag of chips will get tossed onto the floor. Near the trash bag? Yes, but not in it. Snack boxes and bags just keep piling up next to my chair until I simply can’t stand it anymore. Then, and only then, do I pick it all up and take it out.

Second, cardboard boxes of stuff are piled up in both my living room and my bedroom. Have I ever heard of sorting and throwing away? Guess not. In my one chair I have newspapers I brought home from Maine. I’ve been home now for five or six weeks. Are they just going to set up housekeeping and move in? Are you stating to see a pattern here?

Lastly, when anybody asks me when I’m going to clean up this dump, I just give them a blank look and shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know. Someday.” But someday never comes. Well, it’s about to. I’ve reached my s.s.p, short for shit saturation point.

This week, and probably next, I’ll basically be moving out and then moving back in again. Only what’s needed will be gaining entry past the front door though. I expect I’ll have to call for a dump truck. Lol. I shall keep you up to date on my progress.

Until quite soon, take care, have a great day and happy reading.