Tag Archives: disadvantages

Top ten list of what I like and dislike about being a bachelor

Greetings, readers. Today’s top ten list is a pro and con mixture of what I’ve experienced being single. Being a bachelor or bachelorette has its advantages and disadvantages. Expect for number one, none of these is in any particular order.

#10. I can play video games whenever I want to. Thumbs up.

#9. I can take a nap whenever I want to. Thumbs up.

#8. I have to do the household chores by myself. Thumbs down. [I do have a housecleaning helper come in twice a month. Having a small place is hard to maintain because stuff piles up quickly.]

#7. I can practice for my performances whenever I want to. Thumbs up.

#6. I need to have Rebecca cat-sit Keekee when I go on vacation. A mild thumbs down.

#5. Unless I talk to the walls, no conversations. I don’t entertain very often. It truly is only me. Thumbs down. [I have no one to share the events of my day, good or bad, and if I am in a crisis I have no one to discuss it with.]

#4. I don’t get into arguments, because I don’t have a significant other. Thumbs up. [Not that I’m argumentative, but differences in opinion do come up between people.]

#3. Since I’m not a bar-goer, I don’t meet a lot of women. Hence, no sex life. Thumbs down. [Of, course it would be nice to have a permanent partner, but at this point I’m beginning to think the Lord has other plans for me. Too bad.]

#2. Because I like to munch while I watch TV, and also because I can’t cook, my diet and health have paid a price. Thumbs down. [I am crusinely challenged. To me cooking is burning water. Thank goodness for the occasional microwave dinner.]

#1. Valentine’s Day. [For many years now, this has been the loneliest day of the year for me. I have no one to give flowers or candy to, or take out to dinner. Maybe one year.]

Well, that’s the list of my top ten things I like and dislike about being a bachelor. If you want to, please chime in with your list. On Friday, Rebecca will have a top ten list of likes and dislikes about being married.

Take care, have a great couple of days, don’t work too hard digging out of the snow, and happy reading.